Unified Patent Court – Opt out or opt in?
- European Patent with Unitary Effect
- Unified Patent Court
- Comparison: National Courts vs. UPC
- Opt out in detail
The future Unified Patent Court (UPC) will have jurisdiction over not only European Patents "with Unitary Effect", but also over traditional European Patents without this effect. If a patent owner wishes to avoid such jurisdiction, they have to "opt out" for the patents they wish to reserve for the national courts.
This seminar will give practitioners an understanding of the future "European Patent with Unitary Effect" and the Unified Patent Court (UPC). On the basis of a comparison between the present and the future system, this seminar will prepare attendees for their decision of whether or not to opt out. The attendees will learn about possible criteria for their decisionmaking and will discuss different case studies. Furthermore, they will be given key information on the procedure, deadlines, preparation and execution of an opt out.
The seminar will be held in English. Attendees are invited to ask questions and discuss possible solutions to their problems.